
This is the National Association of the Holy Name Society Prison Ministy blog.
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Monday, July 5, 2010

I Have Come to Realize ...

... that our lives consist entirely of choices.  We spend each waking minute, whether at work, at play, study, or rest, deciding whether we’ll follow God’s will for us or not.  Each and every one of these moments are intersections, forks in the road of life.

As an adult, I can look back down the road which I've traveled and see how these countless little decisions, from the time I could reason until the present day, for right or for wrong, have formed me into the person I've become.  Habits, good and bad, virtues, vices.  I try to keep ever in mind that at the end of the road, it's those countless little decisions I've made throughout life, that have mapped and paved my way to my eternal destiny.

So sure, we take the wrong path sometimes, but do we learn from it?  Do we humble ourselves by getting up and begging forgiveness -- of both God and ourselves -- then take hold of His hand and start again?  If so, we’ve gained a greater understanding of ourselves and a greater perspective on God.  If not, we continue on our dark and winding path away from Him.

My pen-pal Ray wrote the following piece when he finally realized that by taking the right fork in each of those little day-to-day decisions, he allows God to re-form him, to change him into the man he was created to be.  It's the first in a series entitled: Change.

I have come to realize:
  • If I am anxious, I must calm myself.
  • If I am angry, I must not act on it.
  • If I hate anyone, I must love all.
  • If I see chaos, I must promote peace.
  • If I want to be heard, I must learn to listen.
  • If I sow discord, I must be still.
  • If I want my own agenda, I must let others go first.
  • If I cost anything, I must see it has no worth.
  • If I am addicted, I must seek freedom.
  • If I am worried, I must pray for more faith.
  • If I am jealous, I must swallow my pride.
  • If I am depressed, I must count it all joy.
  • If I have a problem, I must see the opportunity.
  • If I hurt anyone, I must put myself in their shoes.
  • If I do all of the above, I must be changing.
You change every second you live.  You are not the same person you were an hour ago.  Your choice in life is to be in a self-made prison or to experience true freedom no matter where you might be.

Ray R.
Mule Creek State Prison
Ione, CA 95640

If we’re serious about getting to know Jesus better – if we choose to continue our faith journeys leading ultimately to a full and intimate knowledge of Him (the Truth) – we must pray for the grace to make the right decisions, to be shown the way. There’s no life, no peace, away from Him, so we must let our every breath be an act of praise and worship and thanksgiving to a loving Father. We must share with him the burdens and concerns that are on our hearts and lay them at His feet. Let Him love us, let Him change us -- for that is what He desires.

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