
This is the National Association of the Holy Name Society Prison Ministy blog.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Taking the Witness Stand

Our lives in time consist of witnessing ever-changing, never-to-be-repeated events and experiences and our reaction to each in turn.  Events as objectively unspectacular as seeing the smiling face of a child, the touch of a cool breeze on a hot summer afternoon, the rich and clear song of an oriole; or as potentially heartwrenching as seeing the aftermath of a natural disaster, hearing the cries of the poor, or feeling grief over the loss of a loved one.

We can witness a crime or a beautiful sunset, an athletic achievement or an injustice, an accident or a miracle.  We obtain understanding and personal knowledge by way of these experiences, and in most cases, this is where our witness ends: our personal knowledge.  But our witness turns from passive to active when we attest to what we've seen or heard or come to know -- when we choose not to keep it to ourselves but use it as a conduit for change.

Going public isn't always easy.  Change isn't always welcomed.  Speaking the truth, testifying to the truth, often exacts a price.  Family, friends, job, reputation.  What may we be asked to give up by our testimony to the truth?

"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." (Mt 19:29)

In the case of our religious conviction, by our faith in action, we become the evidence, the sign of Christ alive today.  It is by our witness that we draw others to Christ and so continue to build up His Church on earth.

Witness my friend, Monty. 

Hello Bill,

How are you doing? I hope this letter finds you and your kids doing great. I am getting along well and just wanted to let you know that I have received your letter of October 4.

On the subject of evangelization I do love to share my faith. It gives me great joy to be able to do so. I really count it as a blessing from the Lord to be able to share the Faith with others and to be able to answer or help find answers to someone’s questions.

An important step to be considered in evangelization is effective catechesis, which is something I am very interested in. I am working very hard now on learning proper catechetical foundations, principles, and methods so as to be able to properly instruct others. I have actually just recently been able to begin an advanced catechist education program which will provide me with the proper education and instruction to help me provide effective catechesis. I do take this very, very seriously.

In my particular situation here, or station in life, I have found that there is a definite need for proper teaching and Faith formation. My own struggles in this area have been long and at times very difficult due to la lack of adequate resources. I have worked long and hard to get to the point where I am at but along the way I have seen others who did not make it. Some did not make it because proper instruction was not available to them and to me that is a failure to meet the expectations of Christ. To be honest most people probably would not approach the situation — as it is here at this prison -- with the determination and outright refusal to give up or quit as I have. And quite frankly I do not believe that they should have to. Even though we are imprisoned here the resources should still be available.

And do you know what? In your letter you spelled it out perfectly. I quote, “We are where we are right now as part of God’s great plan.” Through my various struggles in this area I have been blessed. Through the process I learn anew the value of patience and perseverance. I have had some very limited resources become available that I have been able to share with others. It has at times seemed to be an excruciatingly slow process but the more blessings I am able to give out the more I get. And I love sharing these materials with my brothers. I am where I am right now on this journey as part of God’s great plan. I feel I have been tested in my struggles with this (and they are by no means over) and I have been blessed by the Lord to move to the next level. I feel that this was not supposed to be easy for me and through the grace of the Lord I hope to be able to make knowing the Truth — and having access to the keys to that knowledge a little less difficult for others here.

However, when all is said and done, it is just as you said and our greatest evangelization tool will always be our Christian witness to those around us. Our example of love and obedience to Christ is the best way for the message of salvation to show the power of its truth and to draw people to the Faith and to God. Isn’t it absolutely wonderful to be the light of the world? What an awesome privilege it is to be alive in Christ Jesus.

Well, I’ll close for now. Please know that you and yours are always in my prayers. I ask for your prayers for us here at Lieber C.I. Please take care and keep in touch.

Sincerely in Christ,


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